872: The first mention of a member of the Phokas family, who holds the position of tourmarches (of Cappadocia?) Last quarter of the 9th-early 10th century: Nikephoros Phokas the Old is distinguished as a general and domestic of the schools in Italy, the Balkans and Asia Minor
913-919: Nikephoros Phokas’ two sons, Leo and Bardas (the former as a domestic of the schools), are appointed high positions in the military hierarchy 919: Leo Phokas’ unsuccessful rebellion against Romanos Lekapenos. Leo Phokas is blinded
920-944: Bardas Phokas makes a career in the armed forces
944-945: The Phokas family assists Constantine VII to come to the throne as justified emperor
945-955: Bardas Phokas serves as domestic of the schools, while his three sons are also appointed high military positions: Nikephoros becomes general of Anatolikon, Leo of Capppadocia and Constantine of Seleukeia
953: Constantine Phokas, Bardas’ youngest son, is captured by the Arabs and dies in prison
955: Bardas Phokas retires from military service and his son Nikephoros is appointed in his place, while Leo is promoted to general of Anatolikon
959-963: The brothrs Nikephoros and Leo Phokas serve as domestics of the schools of the East and the West correspondingly
961: Nikephoros Phokas conquers Crete, which was under Arabian occupation
963-969: Period of Nikephoros II Phokas’ governing. The Phokas family reaches the peak of its power: the emperor’s father, Bardas, was awarded the title of caesar, Leo Phokas was given the title of curopalates , Leo’s son, Bardas Phokas, nephew of the emperor, becomes duke of Chaldia
964-965: Emperor Nikephoros II conquers Cilicia and North Syria
Autumn 969: Bardas Phokas dies of old age
December 10th 969: Nikephoros II Phokas is murdered in Constantinople, as a result of a conspiracy organized by John Tzimiskes and empress Theophano
970: Unsuccessful rebellion of Bardas Phokas, son of curopalates Leo, against John I Tzimiskes. It is suppressed by Bardas Skleros and Bardas Phokas is exiled, while Leo Phokas and his son Nikephoros are blinded
978: Bardas Phokas is being brought back from exile, is awarded the title of magistros and the position of domestic of the schools of the East
979: Bardas Phokas suppresses Bardas Skleros’ rebellion
987-989: Bardas Phokas rebellion against emperor Basil II
April 989: Bardas Phokas loses his life in a battle against the imperial armed forces in Abydus
1022: Nikephoros Phokas, son of the usurper Bardas Phokas, rebels against Basil II with the support of Nikephoros Xiphias. Xiphias murders Nikephoros Phokas and submits himself to the emperor
1026: Patrician Bardas Phokas (usurper Bardas Phokas’ grandson) is accused of conspiracy against Tmperor Constantine VIII and gets blinded